Sunday, May 27, 2018

Memorial Day ~ by Dean Ross

They gave their lives for freedom
Leaving loved ones far behind
Please take this moment
And bring them to your mind
The are selfless
They are brave
Too early
Met their graves
Fighting for the freedoms
We sorely need this day
Watching from on high
They only get one day
Celebrate their sacrifice
The last Monday of every May

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Deadpool X-Mas

Twas the night before Christmas, with no heroes about.
Xavier decided, to give Deadpool a shout
"I need a good man to help see the night through." 
"None are about, so you'll have to do!" 
"You'll push me down streets, for the Christmas parade." 
"I cannot do it alone. I have come for your aid."

"We'll bring joy to people, entertain the crowd."
"You can even be boisterous, obnoxious and loud."
"You just can't do violence to anyone there."
"You have to pretend that you really do care."

Deadpool smiled slowly and said. "I'd be proud."
"There's just one condition, that must be allowed."
"No fun for 'Francis', he's on my bad list."
"He'll be dead soon anyway, if you get my gist."

Deadpool then turned with a twinkle in his eye
Broke the fourth wall and made small children cry
""Oh hello, you're probably wondering why all this is written in the way it is? Well so am I. The Professor works in mysterious ways. Maybe if I follow along, I'll be able to use my guns and swords after all. Oh I hope all you have a Merry Christmas. I gues I have to get back to old baldy"

He turned quickly back and said "Let's away"
"Christmas won't last much more than a day"
"I have some pushing to do, and some presents to give."
"Then I'll go back to making sure Francis doesn't live."

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Change

Once there was a leaf
It fell from yonder tree
Softly it landed on the ground
It lay there happily
The other leaves saw this
Jealous they became
They hurled themselves from the boughs
Down they fell like rain
Landing in a torrent
Swirling in the wind
The piles grow ever higher
The branches look so thin
The winter wind starts blowing
Snow sails upon the wind
Covering up the tracks
Of Autumns chaotic whim

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers day

Mother how I miss you
in all the little ways
Living life without you
Is the strangest way

All my flaws you didn't see
You cherished things I did
You honored and respected me
Even though I was a kid

Your kindness always followed you
Through everyone you touched
I aspire to be just like you
Yes I loved you so very much

I think you're in a better place
It's better then down here
More then a day will you grace
I will remember you all the years

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Storyteller

“Boy things have changed.” Muttered an ancient looking gray haired, scruffy looking man seated at the bar. “It used to be, that a man could turn in any direction and find someone he could trust. Nowadays, there’s nothing but dirty rotten good fer nuting gutter slime.”
“Easy old man, this night’s not good fer yer ramblins’.” The barkeep cautioned. He glanced quickly about. “There be strangers about, a rough lot they be. I’ll not be wanting trouble in me place now.”
“Rough?” asked the man. “I’ll show ya rough...Where is this shit for brains who thinks he’s tough? I’ll show him...Why in my day, I stood at Fallows Pass and single handily held it against the maraudin devil orcs.”
Carver had been working at this bar for three years and had heard the story several times. Not even a free drink would stop him now. He turned from the bar and went to clean the tables. He reached for a half full mug, but as if in a daze he overreached and tipped it onto the floor. Cursing he bent to retrieve it.
With a splintering crash the inn door collapsed onto the floor. Four men dressed similar enough to be soldiers forced their way through the entry. “Bah this ones fer the gutter… Too old, lets stick em and git.” His companions roared their agreement.
All of a sudden the old man came alive, whirling in a blur. His cloak flew off into the faces of two of his tormentors and a stool took a third in the face sending him reeling backward into the wall where he slid to the ground. A mug took the first man free of the cloak and the second never got free. Carver was in complete shock. It had happened in seconds. The remaining man stood in shock as the old man towered over him.
“Hmmm, you’ll have to change those trousers boy!” The old man turned and shuffled back to the bar. The young soldier helped his comrades out into the street.
Carver slowly made his way back to the bar. As he was rounding the corner he could hear the old man muttering just loud enough to here.
“They was dumb em orcs. Near every one thought they was facing an army, but they’d come only later. 400 died afore I fixed one with me blade. Another twenty died afore they turned and fled fer the first time.” He paused and looked at his hand. In it was the handle of a mug. Confusion passed across his face for only a moment before he resumed his story.
Carver slipped into the backroom, fearing the soldiers return. He had never put any belief in the old mans story. Until now! He poured a full measure of his finest rum and brought it out to the old man. Carefully, he placed the rum on the bar in front of the old man..
The old man stopped talking the moment the rum was placed in front of him and inhaled deeply. A tear formed at the corner of his eye. “Ah lad, this is the finest rum I’ve seen since my wedding night to the Queen of Tri is tam. It’s too bad about that slaying their husbands’ thing after ya knock em up.” He snorted in mirth, spraying the bar with mucus. “Probably still looking fer me… Apparently they can’t give birth less the daddy’s dead.” He brought the rum to his lips and sipped. “Yup, she should be with child nye on 80 years now.”
Carver had never heard this story before. He only wondered a moment if there was a place called Tri ist Tam. Then he smiled to himself. Of course there was, right across the bar from him.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Sadness

I would like to ease the pain
Just to see you smile
Filled with joyous laughter
Giggles by the mile

I would like to see you silly
Instead sadness takes it's grip
you always have your family
You aren't alone, upon this trip

I would like to see you try
Dancing through the rain
A skip, a jump, perchance a fall
Just to dance again

Pain is just a simple part
Of this thing, that we call a life
There is also joy and happiness
Between the the bits of strife

So let the tears fall down
Cascading like the rain
and do a little dance
throw laughter at the pain

I hope these words will bring
A little bit of cheer
When sadness reigns it's ugly head
We are here for you my dear.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Pilot ~ by Dean Ross (2012)

From the world of Lineage 2. Re-posting from  when the expansion for the Kamael race came out.

My first memory is of Gremlins, swarming, biting, and nipping at my flesh. My instincts told me to lash out, which of course I did. Each skull that was crushed beneath my blows seemed to make me stronger. Limbs snapped like twigs in a gale, bodies flew across the room, smashing into walls and slowly sliding down.

The red haze that clouded my vision slowly lifted. Bodies littered the central area of the birthing chamber. The blood of a dozen gremlins pooled gently around my feet, the warm stickiness sending waves of pleasure through my entire being. This is what it is to be alive … This is what it is to be Kamael.

Two figures stood on a dais on the far side of the room from the stairs that led to the surface, a male and a female of my race. The male looked to be more official then the diminutive woman standing beside him. I approached them and bowed slightly at the waist, never allowing our eyes to break contact. He shifted his head slightly to the side indicating I should speak with the female first.

“Greetings, I have come to fight.”

The woman smiled and replied “That is good, and as it should be. The Island of Souls has been thrust back onto the prime material plane. Our time is upon us, we shall gain our lost wing. One of those creatures behind you holds a very special gem; if you retrieve it for me I will reward you well indeed.”

I nodded my head once and turned to the milling creatures. My sight passed slowly over the throng. The gremlins were multiplying as I watched, new ones spawning from the very air itself. I lifted my sword and slowly walked down the 3 stairs to the floor; I lifted my bloody ancient sword in front of my face and charged. First to the left and then right my sword lashed out cutting the gremlins down like a scythe cuts through wheat. Whirling, leaping, and rolling through the blood and intestines that littered the floor, a power filled my entire being to overflowing.

The battle haze finally left me and I found myself in the center of the room. Hundreds of freshly slain Gremlins littered the floor. In my right hand was my ancient sword, more an extension of my arm then a separate weapon. In my other hand rested a gore stained Blue Gem, little pieces of grey matter still clung to it. I walked slowly to the woman on the dais, reached out and overturned my hand above hers, dumping the Gem and bits of brain into her palm. Nothing needed to be said, she silently handed me a slip of paper and with a nod directed me toward the male.

“My name is Perwan.” he took the now bloody slip of paper from my hand and handed me a package. “Here is a little gift to help you begin your adventures.”

I opened it to find magical potions that would heal wounds received in battle, and an item that would increase the amount of damage I inflicted with my weapon. “I thank you for these gifts, and shall bring honor to the tribe by slaying our enemies.”

“Go to the village and speak with the townsfolk. Fulfill their petty tasks and equip yourself for the coming War.”

I nodded once, turned and made my way up the stairs to the Surface of the Prime Material Plain. A cool breeze wafted across my body. The blood that covered me began to dry as I slowly walked across the field. Elpys and Keltirs played in the long grasses, those that came too near me died quickly and painlessly. I walked into the village of the Kamael covered in drying blood, an Ancient Sword clutched in my fist, and my lone wing slowly furling and unfurling. My name is Pilot and I will steer the course of destiny. I shall bend fate to my will and make even the Gods tremble.

For that is what it is to be Kamael.